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Hollow Hallows

I thought Deathly Hallows dawdled and I haven't even read the books, so it's a relief to hear Damon Lindelof of Lost weigh in as a Rowling fan of long standing. (Daily Beast)

Dumbledore told them there were six remaining horcruxes at the end of the last movie. Simple math would dictate that they would destroy, if not locate, at least THREE in the first film. How many do they destroy? ONE. How many more do they locate? ZERO. And do we really need an HOUR of moping in the woods? And I love moping! Now I knew going in there'd be no Hogwarts, but I only get FIVE MINUTES of Snape? Seriously? HOW DARE THEY?!?

I know explaining plot points for casual fans isn't the movie's job at this point, but can anyone explain why Voldemort thinks he can kill Harry with a borrowed wand? If Harry were susceptible to just any wand then he would have been dead years ago. More importantly, even though Harry, Ron, and Hermione are nominally in the Muggle world for a good portion of Deathly Hallows there's never the slightest literal or metaphorical connection to the non-Wizard world and thus to the viewer. J.K. Rowling's head is a fun place, but only when its citizens are doing something. This goes to why I rarely embrace popular fantasy; I need a little bit more of the messiness of life in my narratives. Finally, Voldemort is a racist? That's it? Save me, Part 2.

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