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A Very Special Post

This post is dedicated to my Nin, a beautiful woman who I miss every day.

This is my Ninny (aka Nan, as nobody but our family seems to know what Nin means!). She passed five years today, and it's still hard to think that she has gone. She used to call me a 'little shit', not that I was one! I was the perfect grandchild (ahem!). There are a lot of us though; grandchildren I mean. She must have gone crazy remembering all our names. She got them wrong sometimes and went through a whole list of names before she got to the right one!

One memory I always remember from when I was younger was when I stayed with her one night and we were in her living room - which was the back room - and I watched the smoke from her cigerettes float up into the air and disappear on the ceiling.

I love you, Ninny NooNoo.

faye xoxo

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