I do think Lavshuca is one Japanese drug store brand that offers most various lipsticks. One product that I see them re promote a lot is the Jewel lippie line.
Packaged in clear plastic box with hologram effect, this one certainly is different looking from other Lavshuca lipstick. And it is tiiiinnyyyyy. Only 1.8 gram.
The lippie tube itself is adorable- pearly pink plastic with jewel-cut like deep purple plastic cap. It has very princess-y silhouette.
PK-2 is blue toned baby pink with silver shimmer. Applies easily and feel comfortable enough on me. But it doesn’t provide much pigment or coverage. On me, it just gives my lips glossy/balmy with shimmer look. Wear time is very short- I got 1 hour of light pigment & shimmer.
Like most Japanese brand lippie, it has no fragrance or flavor.
It is just something cute for your ultra tiny make up pouch- to add little glossiness and shimmer for your lips. Personally, I am not interested to try the other shades.
Purchased mine from Watson's in Taipei.
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