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mask review : My beauty diary mask Mixed berry

Another my beauty diary mask! i just love their mask variants. cheap affordable price, nice and sweet scent, and of course good mask! This one is mixed berry mask.

information about this mask from sasa.com :
My Beauty Dairy Mixed Berry Mask delivers the following benefits:
  • Brightening and firming

    Mixed Berry Extract drawn out from blue berry, raspberry, cowberry and mulberry in an exceptional beauty agent that dresses skin up with vitality and charm. It protects skin from environmental aggression, correcting problems like uneven complexion, dullness and sagging. After use, skin becomes firm, bright and translucent.
  • Purifying and refining

    Extracts of Comfrey and Green Tea enable synergy benefit to soften cuticles. After use, skin is refined, radiant and velvety smooth.
    For all skin types, especially skin suffers from uneven complexion, sagging or roughness.

    how to use it

    Put the mask on cleansed and toned face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and peel off. Gently massage the remaining serum for better absorption. No rinsing is necessary. Follow with usual skin care products.

    suitable for

    all skin type 

    My experience with My beauty diary mask mixed berry

    When i first take it out from the packaging, i teared it a bit! i don't know why, but i never teared a mask sheet before.. This one i teared the chin area.. woooopppsss.. but Thank God i can still use it.
    So, my first impression would be the scent. well, it smells sweeet... and delicious. the kind i like. it smells like a berry bubble gum.
    I applied it on my face, so watery. easy to fit on my face. Then lay down and wait. No itchy or uncomfotable feel. After 20 minutes i checked, still not drying. in fact still wet. I checked again after 25 minutes, only the forehead area started to dry, but the cheek and other area still wet. So i wait again a little while before i took it off.
    Once the mask was off of my face, i gave a little massage aroung my face with the liquid left. I could smell the nice berry scent once again, and it was sooo nice feeling all the moisturizer absorbed. The result? Brightening effect? checked! yup.. it brightens my face instantly. i looked sooo fresh and glowing after the mask. Firming? checked. not just firm but also extra moisturised. And there is also other effect i got, which is i felt it tighten my pores on the nose area too! woaaa.. love it. it seems like it's good for combination skin since i felt my nose area smooth and tighten (the pores) while it moisturized other areas like cheek and forehead.
    Two thumbs up! another favourite from my diary mask..

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